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Success Stories

I have been fortunate to help many people in my fitness career and it is very rewarding to me. I love to see the transformations and hear about the wonderful changes that people have made in their daily lives.  It is my passion to help individuals improve not only their physical appearance but also their quality of life.


Share your experience

"I pursued strength training after having a hysterectomy and continued lower back pain due to working in an office environment. Over the course of two years with Susan, she taught me the importance of posture of neutral spine, core stabilization, and overall form when performing strength training exercises. I was so amazed at how many muscle groups we could work when performing just one exercise. She helped me get the most calorie-burn during the one hour we spent together. I loved how extremely motivating she was also, as she kept my interest in wanting to continue to better myself. I would highly recommend the one-on-one strength training as it proved to be so beneficial to all areas of my life!" - Kris Elfers

"When I started personal training with Susan Retzlaff, I weighed over 200 pounds, was easily tired and fatigued, and had persistent knee and lower back pain. A little over a year later, I have lost 17 pounds, added more muscle and a flatter stomach, and have had almost a 10% reduction in body fat. Susan developed an individualized fitness plan based on my own personal goals that could be followed at home or at a gym. This method of training assisted with my development of more functional strength through cardiovascular, entire body, and core training. I also have a lot less knee and back pain now. Being a guy in my 40s, the days of trying to lift super heavy weights and hurting myself are over. I highly recommend personal training with Susan if you're serious about achieving some significant fitness goals."   - Jeff Krukar, PH. D.

"Over 10 Years ago, I decided to do something to strengthen my body and contacted Susan. We met on a regular basis for several years and I learned about strength training, proper posture and flexibility. Susan patiently took me through many routines that became the foundation for a lifetime of better health. We worked on improving the 3 Bs (back, bones, and brain) that are affected by our daily exercise. After those years of personal training, I began working out regularly at The Tag Center in Mayville. I'm stronger today than I was in my 20s and have taken up biking again in addition to using those routines that Susan taught me. Thank you, Susan" - Lynn Miller

"A little more than a year ago I needed rehab for an old knee and ankle injury, and I wanted to get into better shape overall because my job as a massage therapist had become more demanding. I was so pleased to find personal trainer Sue Retzlaff and begin working with her. The program she designed for me helped me restore strength, tone and balance to m, rehab to the injured muscles of my left knee and ankle, and I began to see some lovely changes in my overall carriage. Stamina in my job has increased, and I now have energy for fun beyond the work week.  My shoulders, which had been developing a rounding or kyphosis from massage work, began to straighten up and fill out thanks to strength training for the upper back.  My healthcare professional tells me that I have increased bone density by 15%! This is phenomenal!  In addition, I no longer have knee pain with bending and gyration, and can dance to my heart's content. I was tapped on the  on the shoulder by a former male classmate from high school.  “You look good; you look young!” he said, “What are you doing?”  I told him I had hired a personal trainer, Sue Retzlaff, and got a whole lot more than I bargained for.  Now that I know, first hand, the benefits of a specifically designed fitness and rehab program, I highly recommend Sue’s services to my clients and friends.  Thank you, Sue, for helping me get my groove back!  -Nita Moore, WLMT, NCTM

"In the spring of 2012, I was referred to Susan Retzlaff by two different professional sources : my chiropractor, and my massage therapist. For the first time in my life, I had been experiencing severe, acute back pain which led me to the care of these professionals. As I progressed in my treatment, and as I was new to Wisconsin, I asked for a reference for a personal trainer who could help me heal further, get me back to a healthier weight and strength, and hopefully ward off any further issues with my back. The both independently referred me to Susan, who changed everything for me regarding my overall health, and most certainly in regards to my lower back problems. Yes, Susan is a Certified Personal Trainer, and yes, she is a Corrective Exercise Specialist, but she is also so much more than that. The personable and unassuming manner in which Susan trains her clients is extraordinary. She freely imparts her knowledge of physiology and nutrition in regards to and with the implementation of exercise as a means of healing and strengthening. Within a few short months, it was clear that Susan was the only professional that I needed to see. She is the whole delightful package."   

- Loretta Guirguis

"I have worked with Susan for 2 years. When I started I had a lot of pain in my knees and wore knee braces. After working with her a couple of times, the braces were no longer needed. Susan does a great job of providing exercises that are right for you. You don't just work on one muscle group at a time, almost every exercise is core based.

I have noticed a big difference when it comes to sports. I am more aggressive and can out power just about any girl I play against. My balance has increased because of working the core. The exercises push you to work hard, you definitely feel accomplished after the workout.

Susan is a great motivator and will not do a workout that she herself cannot do. She shows you how to do it in proper form so you don't get hurt. I love working with Susan and would recommend her to anyone no matter how in shape you are.                 Chelsey Turk , age 16

"I began working with Susan almost a year ago. After two knee surgeries I was struggling with walking. I had tried several different "personal trainers". They were unable to modify exercise that I simply could not do. Susan helped me to find exercises that I was able to do. I am so much stronger now and have progressed to when I can walk for miles/hours again. She truly does personal training--not one on one training for everyone. her knowledge of the muscles also helped me to understand how my body needed to heal. She is wonderful!" - Wonda Lee

Being  an athletic softball player,

I was looking to improve my game.

She was able to improve my

endurance and stamina to help me

through long tournaments.  

I enjoyed working with her and

hope to go back in the near future."  

Shelby Liebenow, age 13

Inspiration and motivation come from within oneself. It's very easy to get a one size fits all trainer. Not every exercise is good for every person. Susan is different. I had the honor of having Susan as a personal trainer. She designed great workout programs for me and gave great advice for musculoskeletal issues, and asthma. Cardio doesn't always work when the air quality is bad and Susan was able to change routines to accommodate bad air days. She was able to adapt workouts when I had a fractured foot - I was still able to get an excellent workout while allowing my foot to heal pre and post surgery. Susan listened to my likes and dislikes and chose music that inspired me. I guess the best kind of trainer encourages you, allowing you to motivate yourself to reach your full potential. Susan does that.            Gretchen Kristola

Susan takes the time to analyze your strengths and weaknesses and will put a simple program together to achieve your wanted goals, based on your individual needs...she impresses me every opportunity I get to work with her.
 I had a shoulder injury from racing motorcycles many years ago...It has always bothered me day and night, on a scale of 1-10, at about a 4-5 scale, always just bearable pain...
I brought it to her attention on one of my last trips back in Sept. and she gave me a few training techniques to work on that particular problem. I used her methods religiously and could feel pretty good gains with a few weeks. Within a month it was at a 2 level and at 3 months the nagging 15 year pain was almost gone. Now at 6 months I have literally no pain, with full strength, rotation and movement...Over the years I had many cortisone shots and considered surgery many times as well...her knowledge and experience in finding simple solutions to a major problem has been incredible in my ability to enjoy life at a much higher level...It's been a godsend of relief...
I wish I lived nearby so I could spend weekly workouts with her as she is a world of health and knowledge for anyone at any will learn to appreciate what she brings into your life...all positive energy!!! Enjoy!...Bruce Kahlhamer

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